We provide you with expertise in both the digital and healthcare sectors, which is already highly sought after today, and will be even more so in the future due to the digital transformation of the healthcare system.
ISIS Castres is part of the public university, INU Champollion, and is also a partner of the INSA group. We offer training over five years after the baccalaureat, culminating in the nationally recognised computer engineer diploma. Our high quality course over 3 or 5 years, in a stimulating environment guaranties you employment in the sector. Our end of study employment rate is 100%.
As a pioneering school in e-health, benefitting from a strong relationship with the Technopôle Castres-Mazamet, ISIS Castres provides you with a unique network of specialists from a wide variety of fields to enable you to rapidly develop your professional skills and to launch your career.
ISIS Castres répond aux exigences d'accessibilité pour les personnes à mobilité réduite. Pour toute question relative au handicap, vous pouvez contacter notre référente handicap au 05 63 51 24 01 ou via isis@univ-jfc.fr

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